Enrolling at Coomera Springs State School is an easy but important process. There are 3 easy steps that you need to complete for enrolment.
PREP 2025
2025 Prep Enrolments are now open!
Little ones born between 1 July, 2019 & 30 June, 2020 are eligible to start Prep in 2025!
Please ensure you have all of the supporting
documents listed below attached to your child's enrolment application.
Step 1 Confirmation of Catchment Residence
Step 2 Enrolment Forms
Please attach the following supporting documents to the application (applications cannot be processed without these additional documents).
1. Proof of Residence (A current lease agreement or council rates notice) and a utilities bill (electricity or phone bill)
2. Student's Birth Certificate
3. Latest Report Card (not required for Prep enrolments)
4. Visa and Passport details for students born outside Australia and New Zealand
Student requiring medication at school
If your child requires medication to be administered during school hours on a routine basis, please complete the Medication Consent Form and submit with the enrolment application.
Step 3 Enrolment Interview
Enrolment applications are processed when all of the above forms and documents have been submitted.
At the enrolment interview, we will:
- Discuss and organise stationary, books and readiness for learning
It is very important for you to read and familiarise yourself with our school policies. Please read these prior to your interview as you will need to know about the policies, standards and expectations of our school prior to enrolling your children.
To keep up to date with current events at Coomera Springs, we suggest you also follow us on Facebook and read our newsletters available in the Calendar and News section.
For further enrolment enquiries please contact administration: